Christmas 2020 at knowis: Being Close at a Distance


“Knock, knock.” – “Who’s there?” – “It’s Christmas!” But are we allowed to let it in despite the contact ban? Just like many others, we were faced with the challenge of realizing our annual end-of-year highlights at knowis in a pandemic-compliant manner this December. Finding a way to close the year together, despite physical distance, was not an easy task.

At the Christmas party, all knowis employees and their loved ones traditionally flock to our festively decorated premises in Regensburg to eat, drink, laugh and celebrate together. Unthinkable in times of Covid! The show contribution by the knowis newbies is also a cherished tradition at this event (at least for all those who don't have to go through it anymore). But this year everything is different.

knowis Digital Christmas Party KitWith a lot of dedication and love of detail, the creative Christmas elves from our HR team packed a huge heap of presents as a substitute for the physical Christmas party. Thus, all software heroes got a 'Digital Christmas Party Kit' to unpack. We then filled (and emptied) the mugs of mulled wine together via video conference, nibbled on cookies and – some with support of their little helpers – built and decorated wonderful gingerbread houses. Some demonstrated unexpected architectural skills and others, with impressive tranquility and patience, even created colorful, magnificent mansions.

"If we can manage to evoke a sense of community with a digital Christmas party, that must certainly work as well for a Christmas video like last year," we thought to ourselves. We considered a variety of ideas – from online Christmas games to signs with season's greetings – to make this highlight happen again, despite Corona. Said, tried. Why we ultimately decided not to make a Christmas video in 2020 anyway, you can experience in color and in stereo on our Christmas website. We are sure you will understand the (not too serious) arguments we made our two chiefs exchange.

Video: Why knowis will not publish a Christmas video in 2020

We hope that you, too, will be able to end the year with a little joy and a smile, despite all odds, and wish you much success, happiness and, above all, good health for 2021! 🍀

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Image Sources: Teaser: MIH83 – 1876438 – Pixabay; Photo: knowis AG

Written by -Kathrin Zollner-

Kathrin Zollner is responsible for personnel management and personnel development at knowis AG.

Contact: , Phone: +49 941 409249-16

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